Nutrition for health and blood sugar control

Is this you?
- Have you been recently diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and you are still digesting the news?
- Have you lived with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for a while and find that there is room for improvement in your blood sugar control?
- Have you been told that you have pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes runs in your family and you want to be proactive?
- Are you struggling with extra weight, have tried several "diets" but have not yet found something that is sustainable and does the trick?
- Do you face other health challenges and know that eating better will help you to feel better but are not quite sure how to go about it?
- Are you a parent with growing kids and want to find a way to feed them that affects their (and your) mood and health for the better?
If this is you, then you are in the right place!

Hi, I'm Anna. I'm a certified nutrition counselor and I am here to help you improve your health with the power of nutrition!
Back in 2018, I found out that I had type 1 diabetes. This motivated me to embark on the fascinating journey of discovering how to use food to manage my condition. I have spent countless hours learning all about the science (and art) of blood sugar control and how important it is for health - whether you have diabetes or not.
I like to challenge the conventional and, as someone with first hand experience, can offer you insights and advice you will not receive from your healthcare team. I will guide you, support you and encourage you on your journey to better health. My story
My message to you
There is no quick fix or perfect diet - If you are in the business of eating for better health, think of it as a long term game. Its all about gradual but consistent change for the better. You are not depriving yourself, you are optimising - gradually substituting old habits, which may not be serving you so well, with new, better habits that over the long run will add up to a significant positive impact on your health.
Nutrition is your most powerful tool - No matter what your health situation, you can always improve your quality of life by giving your body the right raw materials it needs to repair and heal. For those with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes - it is the lever you have for reversing the disease. For those with T1D, it is what sets the scene for how easy or difficult it is to manage the condition. As Hippocrates so eloquently put it: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".
You can "have your cake and eat it" (no pun intended!) - Eating for health does not have to be boring or difficult. You can eat healthy food that is super tasty and does not take 3 days in the kitchen to make. As humans, we are very adaptable - as your habits gradually change so will your taste buds. If you ever tried a "sugar detox" you know that that same piece chocolate you would have had without blinking, tastes extra sweet after a sugar-free period. Surprisingly, it does not even take that long to adapt. So don't be afraid that eating healthy equals deprivation. Far from it!
I am here to be your partner in your journey to better health.
What do you need help with?
CGM Genius
If you are serious about balancing your blood sugar and want to do it as fast and as efficiently as possible the CGM Genius Program is for you.
It is a two week course where you learn how to balance your blood sugar with the help of a CGM and 1:1 nutrition advice.
To find out more go here.